What would I do without my 2 kitties? Since my 2 children are adults, the cats are the new children of me and my late wife. We miss you Les.
Let me introduce you.
Charcoal LeBlanc – a.k.a. Charkie

Charkie’s a tux – a black cat with a white bib and white paws, hence his name – black the-white. He was our first. Born ~ Oct 7 2009. He is, without doubt, the most intelligent cat I’ve ever seen – and the most handsome. He knows how to open doors – he just can’t do it. But that doesn’t stop him from putting his paws on both sides of the knob and twisting or pushing down on a lever. He actually saw me tying cord ends for new blinds when he was a kitten and came over and pulled the loops tight with his teeth after I knotted them! He uses the edge of their silicone placemat to remove litter balls from under his claws. He knows what makes me mad and goes out of his way to do those things when he wants attention. He’s so clever and deliberate about it I have to start laughing. Turn your back for 10 seconds while making dinner and he’ll be licking the butter. He likes other cats and visitors. If I lay on the couch he’ll be on my chest in seconds – demanding some petting.
Cappucino Kit – a.k.a Cappie

Cappie’s a tiger-tortie. Tiger on his head with dark and light brown patches on his body and a little pink and white nose. Born ~ Aug 15 2012. Charkie’s younger brother. He’s the strongest cat I’ve ever seen. Even as a kitten it was impossible to get him to do anything he didn’t want to do – like get in the carrier for a Vet trip or take a bath. Dense and solid as a rock, he could easily take on Charkie, but submits to him during their daily ritualistic confirmation of hierarchy – Charkie on top with them licking each others’ neck. When there’s a squabble though, it’s Charkie on the run. When Cap’s gotten out, he’s terrorized the neighborhood cats. But, he’s a scaredy-cat when it comes to visitors or thunderstorms.
Update: My beloved Cappie passed away July 10, 2021, a month shy of his 9th birthday. Cappie, you will be missed and forever loved.